Satan, and "Mystery of Iniquity"!


Question: Does the Bible explain why God created Satan and/or didn’t destroy Satan once he was created?


As Almighty God is dealing with “the Mystery of Iniquity”; it is presumed that until a process has reached a critical point of “conclusion work through”; that God has planned to allow that point to be reached!

This “theory” seems to follow when looking at Revelation 20:1–3; see below extraction from Revelations Message.



The final dealing of God with Satan and his angels and Satan's Earthly servants!  The Millennial Reign of Christ/God; after which 1000 years later is the general resurrection and the Great White Throne Judgement; followed by the termination of death and the grave!

These events are clearly just prior to the Millennial Reign of Christ and God (“His Name One”), from Jerusalem. There is much speculation as to the timing of these events worldwide amongst Christians. No one knows the timing other than the “Father in Heaven” (Matt. 24 etc.); however, we are told to “watch”.

The fact is that the State of Israel celebrates its 70th Anniversary in 2018; on the 14th May, of the declaration of the then “League of Nations”, (now the UN) in 1948!

The USA announced recently that it is eliminating the US$ 300 million “aid” to the Palestinian Authority, much of which was reportedly used in operations against Israel.

With such activity surrounding Israel, there must soon be more conflict in that area. (See: Biblical 7 and 70 Significance)!

The Jewish Temple and Jerusalem were destroyed 70 years after our Lord’s birth in AD 69-70, by the occupying Romans. The number 70 is important in the Bible; so at least celebrations can be expected in 2018; see above note!

See also the importance of 7 and 10 in App. 10 of the Companion Bible!

V.1 (a)And I saw an angel come down from Heaven, having the key of the (b)bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

V.2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years.

V.3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and (c)set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the Nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: (d)after that he must be loosed a little season.

(a) Satan is then helpless to fight or resist after his time has expired. This angel is fixed in purpose, the binding of Satan with chains, and locking him away, in the “bottomless pit”!

(b) This translation in Interlinear as "abyss", i.e. "depths", but with the same meaning.

(c) This banishment/imprisoning of Satan, clearly has profound purpose. The remaining population of the world is about to experience 1000 years of freedom from his constant assault, temptation and deceit. Justice, fairness and truth, are all about to be meted out on the world's peoples, from Christ at Jerusalem, and Satan cannot be blamed for any of the misdeeds of the population during this period. The fallen nature of mankind is still in place during this period, and is clearly being highlighted for a purpose, see: Millennial Purpose (See also Rev. 9:1,2,3 & 11 and notes).

(d) The fact that Satan is released again for a short time, at the end of the 1000 year period, clearly is again for purpose. Heavenly Creation especially, as well as human kind, have to be reminded of the utter devastation of Satan's deceit, falsehood and lies, as 1000 years is a long time, and human memory short. (See Chp. 12:12(a) (b) (c)).


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